Principal's Message
On behalf of the Freeport Area Secondary faculty and staff, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to explore the building’s website! Please take a moment to review the plethora of information and resources this website has to offer, including the individual teacher pages. In order to stay on top of your child’s daily school assignments, please be sure to access their teacher’s Schoology pages regularly.
At the secondary level, administration will continue to set high expectations for students, teachers, and staff in all areas to improve student achievement. In order to do this, we will continue to collaborate with all stakeholders so that we, as a district, can reach these high expectations. Best practices will be implemented to have your child grow academically, socially, and emotionally. In collaboration with local agencies, such as the Armstrong/Indiana Intermediate Unit, Freeport Area Middle and High School will implement researched based strategies to help foster an engaging learning environment. Teachers and staff are encouraged to have open communication with families on how students are progressing in and out of the classroom. The teachers and staff will continue to develop our culture of making data informed decisions by collecting and analyzing data through assessments and observations administered in the classroom.
Freeport’s Secondary Staff is committed to making safety as our top priority for your child. Not only are we looking to improve the methods of keeping students and staff safe, but we are also in frequent communication with local authorities and state authorities. We are proud of the partnerships we’ve made with Buffalo Township, Freeport Borough, South Buffalo Township, and Pennsylvania State Police Departments. The staff at Freeport Area Middle School and Freeport Area High School will continue to take a holistic approach to school safety, starting with students' mental health and well-being. Freeport Area High School and Freeport Area Middle School both have a full-time licensed professional counselor (LPC) on staff. Both schools will conduct a wide variety of safety drills throughout the school year in order to prepare our students and staff to be prepared for unforeseen emergencies.
I highly encourage your children to be connected to events that occur outside of our classrooms. Students have a wide variety of sports, clubs, and extra-curricular activities so students can make these connections with their fellow classmates, coaches, and members of the community.
Lastly, Freeport Area Middle and High School will provide a wide variety of social, emotional, and academic support through our Multi-Tiered System of Supports Model. Through our MTSS and Student Assistance Program (SAP), students that are identified will be given ownership in the development of supports based on their strengths and areas of need. Our Student Assistance Program also partners with Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission and Butler County Center for Community Resources. If you feel that your child would specifically benefit from MTSS or SAP services, please contact the school counselors to get more information on how a referral can be submitted.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions about Freeport Area Middle and High School. I am looking forward to being a part of your child’s educational experiences!
Timothy E. Walters
6-12 Secondary Principal
Freeport Area Middle School and Freeport Area High School